OnPay supports a REST API, the data format is JSON.
Additional fields may be returned in the future, so any implementation should be able to handle this.
We recommend using the Uuid of single items for identification, though other fields are supported at some endpoints.
Minor units
Minor units mentioned with amounts throughout the API, is an integer representation of a float value. Minor units is based on the exponent of the currency. For most currencies the exponent is 2, however sometimes more or less. Please refer to the ISO4217 definition for the currency in question.
Minor units are calculated by multiplying the amount by the result of 10 to the power of the exponent.
120.00 * (10^2)
120.00 DKK becomes 12000
All Datetime values in the API are according to the timezone UTC ± 00:00. Datetime values are not adjusted by any DST conventions.
It is not necessary to register clients prior to usage, the client id should be set to the domain name of the integration owner.
OnPay only supports the Authorization Code and Refresh token flow of the OAUTH2 protocol.
It is recommended to use a existing library implementing the OAUTH2 protocol.
When using the authorization code flow, after successful authorization an access token and refresh token will be returned. It is then possible to issue a new access token, when it expires based on the refresh token.
Parameter | Value | Notes |
client_id | | Should be set to the domain of the integration owner. |
authorize_url |{merchant_id}/oauth2/authorize | Replace the optional {merchant_id} with the id of the merchant, access is wanted for. If {merchant_id} is omitted, user will be presented a choice of merchants when having access to multiple. |
access_url | | The endpoint to get token for auth code |
scope | full | Only the value "full" is supported for now |
resource_owner_details | | Will return information about the current gateway |
API tokens
From OnPay management panel it is possible to create API tokens for use with the API.
To create a new API token in the management panel, go to: Settings > API, then press the 'New API token' button, enter a name for the API token and lastly press the 'Create' button.
Now a API token will be genereated and be ready for copying to a safe location. Please make sure to keep this API token a secret, since it allows full API access to the gateway that it's created for.
Using the API token
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImp0aSI6ImQxNDgzMDEyZTFkNDM2OThhYTgxODYxZjVmMGNhNDllMjdlNjY2OTIzNDlkYTU0YzQ0MTUyNGZlMjY4ZmI5MmNkMmM5NTA4ZDdlMzZiYjE4In0.eyJhdWQiOiJFbWlscyBUb2tlbiIsImp0aSI6ImQxNDgzMDEyZTFkNDM2OThhYTgxODYxZjVmMGNhNDllMjdlNjY2OTIzNDlkYTU0YzQ0MTUyNGZlMjY4ZmI5MmNkMmM5NTA4ZDdlMzZiYjE4IiwiaWF0IjoxNjA1MTkyMzk1LCJuYmYiOjE2MDUxOTIzOTUsImV4cCI6DjE0NzQ4MzY0Nywic3ViIjoiMjc4NTk5NDI3ODUzODA5Iiwic2NvcGVzIjpbImZ1bGwiXX0.c9z5oCqvwYkRfzrxWNlF0Hen3gSznptOjb7f3aOlbnEoryos7gNk8FnU96KDkBvSTgJVpMMcj51G-zgaWaRz2jCOFCk6iJGKfg2Qx-jNZP3JpaDECch4lzK4ka-y8aOi2WdB9xFMUMSccblVWHkbhBHzLn9HfDa_-rzT-gMDFdSkspkkroAbpWhTdkspdMEdkUmTlrLxLhqRcMguo2oKTq3MXjSpVIviHYs0ckJMcbKBI9zVl4EtNHjsE_MipbKiA5PjCzl6LGTyNfvq4Ttw53KF1Bg2rIeKKi-vDui9ThwHFyinZv7pzSAlQqmw21bOOsqZoTvis1iLM4Y8s1KPZg'
$curl = curl_init();
$apiToken = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImp0aSI6ImQxNDgzMDEyZTFkNDM2OThhYTgxODYxZjVmMGNhNDllMjdlNjY2OTIzNDlkYTU0YzQ0MTUyNGZlMjY4ZmI5MmNkMmM5NTA4ZDdlMzZiYjE4In0.eyJhdWQiOiJFbWlscyBUb2tlbiIsImp0aSI6ImQxNDgzMDEyZTFkNDM2OThhYTgxODYxZjVmMGNhNDllMjdlNjY2OTIzNDlkYTU0YzQ0MTUyNGZlMjY4ZmI5MmNkMmM5NTA4ZDdlMzZiYjE4IiwiaWF0IjoxNjA1MTkyMzk1LCJuYmYiOjE2MDUxOTIzOTUsImV4cCI6DjE0NzQ4MzY0Nywic3ViIjoiMjc4NTk5NDI3ODUzODA5Iiwic2NvcGVzIjpbImZ1bGwiXX0.c9z5oCqvwYkRfzrxWNlF0Hen3gSznptOjb7f3aOlbnEoryos7gNk8FnU96KDkBvSTgJVpMMcj51G-zgaWaRz2jCOFCk6iJGKfg2Qx-jNZP3JpaDECch4lzK4ka-y8aOi2WdB9xFMUMSccblVWHkbhBHzLn9HfDa_-rzT-gMDFdSkspkkroAbpWhTdkspdMEdkUmTlrLxLhqRcMguo2oKTq3MXjSpVIviHYs0ckJMcbKBI9zVl4EtNHjsE_MipbKiA5PjCzl6LGTyNfvq4Ttw53KF1Bg2rIeKKi-vDui9ThwHFyinZv7pzSAlQqmw21bOOsqZoTvis1iLM4Y8s1KPZg";
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
"Content-Type: application/json",
"Authorization: Bearer " . $apiToken
$response = curl_exec($curl);
echo $response;
The API token is used by setting an Authorization header in the HTTP request sent to the API using the Authorization Bearer scheme.
The Authorization header is set with the value 'Bearer ' followed by the API token (See examples).
API reponses
API responses are in JSON format, and follows a REST design. Responses also utilizes standard HTTP response codes, and in the case of 4XX and 5XX response codes, the JSON body includes a detailed error message. Please note that the HTTP response code is in the header of the response.
HTTP codes
The following is a list of response codes one can expect to encounter using the API.
Code | Type | Description |
200 | OK | Standard successful response |
201 | Created | Resource was created sucessfully |
202 | Accepted | Request was sucessfully processed |
400 | Bad request | Request was badly formatted |
401 | Unauthorized | Authentication not valid |
403 | Forbidden | Authenticated, but denied access to requested resource |
404 | Not found | Resource not found |
405 | Method not allowed | HTTP method in request not allowed |
409 | Conflict | Request in conflict with resource state |
422 | Unprocessable entity | Request correctly formatted, but server was unable to process request |
500 | Internal server error | The server encountered an internal error |
Error responses
JSON error response example
"errors": [
"message": "Error: card expired"
When encoutering either a 4XX or 5XX response code, an accompanying error message is to be found in the JSON body of the response. To the right is an example of an error message accompanying a 422 HTTP response code.
Create a new payment request
POST / v1 / payment / create
Create a new payment. Returns an object with link to the created payment.
JSON request example
"currency": "DKK",
"amount": 12000,
"reference": "AF-847824",
"accepturl": "",
"type": "transaction",
"method": "card",
"surcharge_enabled": true,
"surcharge_vat_rate": 2500,
"language": "en",
"declineurl": "",
"callbackurl": "",
"website": "",
"design": "window1",
"expiration": 4200,
"testmode": true,
"info": {
"name": "Emil Pedersen",
"email": "",
"account": {
"id": "ABC-455454",
"date_created": "2020-02-15",
"date_change_date": "2020-03-02",
"date_password_change": "2020-03-02",
"purchases": 3,
"attempts": 0,
"shipping_first_use_date": "2020-02-15",
"shipping_identical_name": "Y",
"suspicious": "N",
"attempts_day": 3,
"attempts_year": 3
"billing": {
"address_city": "Skanderborg",
"address_country": "208",
"address_line1": "Højvangn 4",
"address_line2": "Line 2",
"address_line3": "Line 3",
"address_postal_code": "8660",
"address_state": "NY"
"shipping": {
"address_city": "Skanderborg",
"address_country": "208",
"address_line1": "Højvangen 4",
"address_line2": "Line 2",
"address_line3": "Line 3",
"address_postal_code": "8660",
"address_state": "NY"
"phone": {
"home_cc": "45",
"home_number": "37123456",
"mobile_cc": "45",
"mobile_number": "37123456",
"work_cc": "45",
"work_number": "37123456"
"address_identical_shipping": "Y",
"delivery_email": "",
"delivery_time_frame": "03",
"gift_card_amount": 12000,
"gift_card_count": 1,
"preorder": "N",
"preorder_date": "2020-04-01",
"reorder": "N",
"shipping_method": "01"
"cart": {
"shipping": {
"price": 4000,
"discount": 0,
"tax": 200
"handling": {
"price": 0,
"tax": 0
"discount": 400,
"items": [
"name": "t-shirt",
"price": 1200,
"quantity": 2,
"tax": 300
"name": "pants",
"price": 5200,
"quantity": 1,
"tax": 1300
Parameter | Value | Description | Example |
currency* | string |
The ISO4217 currency (Alpha3 code) | e.g "DKK" for Denmark |
amount* | integer |
The amount for the order, in minor units. If type is subscription set it to 0 . |
12000 For 120.00 DKK. |
reference* | string ([a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]{1,36}) |
Has to be unique, your own internal reference, even tho both upper and lower case is accepted they are treated the same in the system | AF-847824 |
website* | Valid URL | URL to the website where the checkout process was started | |
accepturl | Valid URL | Where to send the user after a successful reservation is made. | |
type | transaction or subscription |
Defaults to transaction |
transaction |
method | See Methods | If none is provided, the user is presented with a choice of which method to use. | |
surcharge_enabled | boolean |
Enable surcharge on this payment. Default is false . |
true |
surcharge_vat_rate | integer |
VAT rate on the compounding fee. Default is 0 . |
2500 |
language | da , de , en , es , fo , fr , is , it , nl , no , pl or sv |
The language of the payment window. Defaults to English | en |
declineurl | Valid URL | Where to send the user in case payment failed, if this value is not set the accepturl will be used! | |
callbackurl | Valid URL | If set, onpay system will make a direct call to this URL to signal that a payment suceeded. See more here | |
design | string ([a-zA-Z0-9 ]+) |
The name of the window design to use. Use if you have more than one design defined in the backend | window1 |
expiration | integer |
Seconds that the payment will be available before expiring. Default is 7 days (604800 seconds). | 4200 |
testmode | [01] |
If set to 1 the window will run in testmode, provided that it has been enabled. It is only necessary to set this parameter if production mode is also enabled | 1 |
info | object |
Additional info about the customer, see here for details | |
cart | object |
Additional info about the cart, see here for details |
Payment Response
JSON response example
"data": {
"payment_uuid": "dfe8bf50-aaaa-11e7-898d-be9d7bb73511",
"amount": 12000,
"currency_code": "980",
"expiration": "2022-03-02 11:12:14",
"language": "en",
"method": "card",
"links": {
"payment_window": ""
Common HTTP codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | OK | Standard successful response |
Model | Type | Description |
SimplePayment | object | SimplePayment Object with payment link |
The following methods are supported. When a specific method is sent to the payment window, the cardholder will be redirected to said method. If none is provided, the user is presented with a choice of which method to use.
Method | Parameter | Description | Supports subscriptions |
Anyday | anyday |
Payment using Anyday. Only currency DKK allowed. |
No |
Apple Pay | applepay |
Payment using Apple Pay. Browser support required | Yes |
Credit card | card |
Payment using credit cards. | Yes |
Google Pay | googlepay |
Payment using Google Pay. Browser support required | Yes |
Klarna | klarna |
Payment using Klarna | No |
MobilePay Online | mobilepay |
Payment using MobilePay Online. Currencies allowed: DKK NOK SEK GBP USD EUR . |
No |
Swish | swish |
Payment through Swish. Only currency SEK allowed. |
No |
ViaBill | viabill |
Payment using ViaBill. Currencies allowed: DKK EUR |
No |
Vipps | vipps |
Payment through Vipps. Only currency NOK allowed. |
No |
Get list of transactions
Relative URL example
GET / v1 / transaction /
Returns a list of transactions by multiple parameters.
Request parameters
JSON request example
{ }
Parameter | Method | Description | Value | Default | Required |
page | query | Pagination page | [0-9]+ |
1 |
false |
page_size | query | Items per page, to a maximum of 100 | <= 100 |
25 |
false |
order_by | query | Column to order list by | transaction_number , created , order_id , or amount |
transaction_number |
false |
direction | query | Direction of order_by, either ascending or descending | ASC , DESC |
false |
query | query | Search transactions by either exact Order id or exact transaction number | [a-zA-Z0-9]+ |
false | |
status | query | Status to get transactions by. If none is defined, transactions by all status are returned. | active , cancelled , created , declined , finished , refunded , pre_auth |
false | |
date_after | query | Request transactions from after this date. Date included. | YYYY-MM-DD |
false | |
date_before | query | Request transactions from before this date. Date included. | YYYY-MM-DD |
false |
JSON response example
"data": [
"3dsecure": false,
"acquirer": "nets",
"amount": 12300,
"card_type": "visa",
"charged": 0,
"created": "2017-10-04 09:38:46",
"currency_code": 208,
"order_id": "1234567890",
"refunded": 0,
"status": "active",
"transaction_number": 1234,
"uuid": "0bb17c90-a80e-11e7-8fc8-b61928e29a9f",
"wallet": "mobilepay",
"testmode": false,
"links": {
"self": "/v1/transction/0bb17c90-a80e-11e7-8fc8-b61928e29a9f"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 200,
"count": 10,
"per_page": 10,
"current_page": 15,
"total_pages": 20,
"links": {
"previous": "",
"next": ""
Common HTTP codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | OK | Standard successful response |
Model | Type | Description |
SimpleTransaction | array | Array of SimpleTransaction, simpler information about transaction |
Pagination | item | Information about current pagination |
Get transaction events
Relative URL example
GET / v1 / transaction / events /
Returns transaction history events, this endpoint is optimal if you need to keep a system updated with latest events. This list will always be sorted with the newest events last, and the cursor can be saved for a later call to avoid fetching everything again. If there are no more pages, the cursor returned will be an empty string, previous cursor should then be saved for later refetch for new events.
Usage of this endpoint should be able to handle that the same event may appear on multiple pages, the uuid of each event can be used to handle this.
Request parameters
Parameter | Method | Description | Value | Default | Required |
cursor | query | Pagination cursor | .+ |
false |
JSON response example
"data": [
"uuid": "dfe8bf50-aaaa-11e7-898d-be9d7bb73511",
"transaction": "df682406-aaaa-11e7-898d-be9d7bb73511",
"date_time": "2019-03-24 07:49:49",
"action": "authorize",
"successful": true,
"amount": 8584,
"result_code": "0",
"result_text": "approved",
"author": "system",
"ip": "",
"links": {
"transaction": ""
"meta": {
"next_cursor": "/v1/transaction/0bb17c90-a80e-11e7-8fc8-b61928e29a9f"
Common HTTP codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | OK | Standard successful response |
Model | Type | Description |
TransactionEvent | item | TransactionEvent |
Get a specific transaction
Relative URL example
GET / v1 / transaction / { uuid | transaction number }
Returns a specific transaction either through the uuid or the transaction number. Either is required.
Request parameters
JSON request example
{ }
Parameter | Method | Description | Value | Default | Required |
uuid | path | Uuid of transaction | [a-f\d]{8}(-[a-f\d]{4}){3}-[a-f\d]{12} |
true * | |
transaction number | path | Transaction's number | [0-9]+ |
true * |
* Either of these is required. But only one of them, not both.
JSON response example
"data": {
"3dsecure": false,
"acquirer": "nets",
"amount": 12300,
"card_bin": "457199",
"card_type": "visa",
"card_country": 208,
"charged": 0,
"created": "2017-10-04 09:38:46",
"currency_code": 208,
"expiry_month": 4,
"expiry_year": 2020,
"ip": "",
"ip_country": 208,
"order_id": "1234567890",
"refunded": 0,
"status": "active",
"subscription_number": 321,
"subscription_uuid": "03e8162a-a7ac-11e7-9d00-b61928e29a9f",
"transaction_number": 1234,
"uuid": "0bb17c90-a80e-11e7-8fc8-b61928e29a9f",
"wallet": "mobilepay",
"has_cardholder_data": true,
"cardholder_data": {
"first_name": "First name",
"last_name": "Last name",
"attention": "Attention name",
"company": "OnPay",
"street": "Street name",
"number": "42",
"floor": "",
"door": "",
"postal_code": "0000",
"country": 208,
"email": "",
"phone": "11223344",
"delivery_address": {
"extra": {
"testmode": false,
"history": [
"action": "authorize",
"amount": 12300,
"author": "",
"date_time": "2017-10-04 09:38:46",
"ip": "",
"result_code": "000",
"result_text": "Approved",
"uuid": "15194d80-32ae-45a9-843d-f1acb9b9d484",
"successful": true
"links": {
"self": "/v1/transaction/0bb17c90-a80e-11e7-8fc8-b61928e29a9f",
"subscription": "/v1/subscription/03e8162a-a7ac-11e7-9d00-b61928e29a9f"
Common HTTP codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | OK | Standard successful response |
404 | Not found | Transaction not found |
Model | Type | Description |
DetailedTransaction | item | DetailedTransaction, Detailed information about the transaction |
Capture a transaction
Relative URL example
POST / v1 / transaction / { uuid | transaction number } / capture
Captures specific transaction, and returns content of captured transaction.
Request parameters
JSON request examples
"data": {
"amount": 12300
"data": {
"postActionChargeAmount": 12300
Parameter | Method | Description | Value | Default | Required |
uuid | path | Uuid of transaction | [a-f\d]{8}(-[a-f\d]{4}){3}-[a-f\d]{12} |
true * | |
transaction number | path | Transaction's number | [0-9]+ |
true * | |
amount | body | Amount to capture on transaction | [0-9]{11} |
false ** | |
postActionChargeAmount | body | The expected charged amount after the capture action is done |
[0-9]{11} |
false ** |
* Either of these is required. But only one of them, not both.
** Only one of them, not both. If neither is provided, the entire available amount will be captured.
JSON response example
"data": {
"3dsecure": false,
"acquirer": "nets",
"amount": 12300,
"card_bin": "457199",
"card_type": "visa",
"charged": 12300,
"created": "2017-10-04 09:38:46",
"currency_code": 208,
"expiry_month": 4,
"expiry_year": 2020,
"ip": "",
"order_id": "1234567890",
"refunded": 0,
"status": "captured",
"subscription_number": 321,
"subscription_uuid": "03e8162a-a7ac-11e7-9d00-b61928e29a9f",
"transaction_number": 1234,
"uuid": "0bb17c90-a80e-11e7-8fc8-b61928e29a9f",
"wallet": "mobilepay",
"has_cardholder_data": false,
"cardholder_data": {
"testmode": false,
"history": [
"links": {
Common HTTP codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | OK | Standard successful response |
404 | Not found | Transaction not found |
Model | Type | Description |
DetailedTransaction | item | DetailedTransaction, Detailed information about the transaction |
Refund a transaction
Relative URL example
POST / v1 / transaction / { uuid | transaction number } / refund
Refunds specific transaction, and returns content of refunded transaction.
Request parameters
JSON request examples
"data": {
"amount": 10000
"data": {
"postActionRefundAmount": 10000
Parameter | Method | Description | Value | Default | Required |
uuid | path | Uuid of transaction | [a-f\d]{8}(-[a-f\d]{4}){3}-[a-f\d]{12} |
true * | |
transaction number | path | Transaction's number | [0-9]+ |
true * | |
amount | body | Amount to refund on transaction. | [0-9]{11} |
false ** | |
postActionRefundAmount | body | The expected refunded amount after the refund action is done |
[0-9]{11} |
false ** |
* Either of these is required. But only one of them, not both.
** Only one of them, not both. If neither is provided, the entire available amount will be refunded.
JSON response example
"data": {
"3dsecure": false,
"acquirer": "nets",
"amount": 12300,
"card_bin": "457199",
"card_type": "visa",
"charged": 2300,
"created": "2017-10-04 09:38:46",
"currency_code": 208,
"expiry_month": 4,
"expiry_year": 2020,
"ip": "",
"order_id": "1234567890",
"refunded": 0,
"status": "captured",
"subscription_number": 321,
"subscription_uuid": "03e8162a-a7ac-11e7-9d00-b61928e29a9f",
"transaction_number": 1234,
"uuid": "0bb17c90-a80e-11e7-8fc8-b61928e29a9f",
"wallet": "mobilepay",
"has_cardholder_data": false,
"cardholder_data": {
"testmode": false,
"history": [
"links": {
Common HTTP codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | OK | Standard successful response |
404 | Not found | Transaction not found |
Model | Type | Description |
DetailedTransaction | item | DetailedTransaction, Detailed information about the transaction |
Cancel a transaction
Relative URL example
POST / v1 / transaction / { uuid | transaction number } / cancel
Cancels specific transaction, and returns content of cancelled transaction.
Request parameters
JSON request example
{ }
Parameter | Method | Description | Value | Default | Required |
uuid | path | Uuid of transaction | [a-f\d]{8}(-[a-f\d]{4}){3}-[a-f\d]{12} |
true * | |
transaction number | path | Transaction's number | [0-9]+ |
true * |
* Either of these is required. But only one of them, not both.
JSON response example
"data": {
"3dsecure": false,
"acquirer": "nets",
"amount": 12300,
"card_bin": "457199",
"card_type": "visa",
"charged": 0,
"created": "2017-10-04 09:38:46",
"currency_code": 208,
"expiry_month": 4,
"expiry_year": 2020,
"ip": "",
"order_id": "1234567890",
"refunded": 0,
"status": "cancelled",
"subscription_number": 321,
"subscription_uuid": "03e8162a-a7ac-11e7-9d00-b61928e29a9f",
"transaction_number": 1234,
"uuid": "0bb17c90-a80e-11e7-8fc8-b61928e29a9f",
"wallet": "mobilepay",
"has_cardholder_data": false,
"cardholder_data": {
"testmode": false,
"history": [
"links": {
Common HTTP codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | OK | Standard successful response |
404 | Not found | Transaction not found |
Model | Type | Description |
DetailedTransaction | item | DetailedTransaction, Detailed information about the transaction |
Get all subscriptions
Relative URL example
GET / v1 / subscription
Returns a list of subscriptions by multiple parameters.
Request parameters
JSON request example
{ }
Parameter | Method | Description | Value | Default | Required |
page | query | Pagination page | [0-9]+ |
1 |
false |
page_size | query | Items per page, to a maximum of 100 | <= 100 |
25 |
false |
order_by | query | Column to order list by | subscription_number , created , order_id , or status |
subscription_number |
false |
direction | query | Direction of order_by, either ascending or descending | ASC , DESC |
false |
query | query | Search subscriptions by either exact Order id or exact subscription number | [a-zA-Z0-9]+ |
false | |
status | query | Status to get transactions by. If none is defined, subscriptions by all status are returned. | active , cancelled |
false | |
date_after | query | Request subscriptions from after this date. Date included. | YYYY-MM-DD |
false | |
date_before | query | Request subscriptions from before this date. Date included. | YYYY-MM-DD |
false |
JSON response example
"data": [
"3dsecure": false,
"acquirer": "nets",
"card_type": "visa",
"created": "2017-10-04 09:38:46",
"currency_code": 208,
"order_id": "1234567891",
"status": "active",
"subscription_number": 123,
"uuid": "03c8c78e-a7ac-11e7-9cff-b61928e29a9f",
"wallet": "",
"testmode": false,
"links": {
"self": "/v1/subscription/03c8c78e-a7ac-11e7-9cff-b61928e29a9f"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 200,
"count": 10,
"per_page": 10,
"current_page": 15,
"total_pages": 20,
"links": {
"previous": "",
"next": ""
Common HTTP codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | OK | Standard successful response |
Model | Type | Description |
SimpleSubscription | array | Array of SimpleSubscription, simpler information about subscription |
Pagination | item | Information about current pagination |
Get a specific subscription
Relative URL example
GET / v1 / subscription / { uuid | subscription number }
Returns a specific subscription either through the uuid or the subscription number. Either is required.
Request parameters
JSON request example
{ }
Parameter | Method | Description | Value | Default | Required |
uuid | path | Uuid of subscription | [a-f\d]{8}(-[a-f\d]{4}){3}-[a-f\d]{12} |
true * | |
subscription number | path | Subscription's number | [0-9]+ |
true * |
* Either of these is required. But only one of them, not both.
JSON response example
"data": {
"3dsecure": false,
"acquirer": "nets",
"card_bin": "457199",
"card_type": "visa",
"card_country": 208,
"created": "2017-10-04 09:38:46",
"currency_code": 208,
"expiry_month": 4,
"expiry_year": 2020,
"ip": "",
"ip_country": 208,
"order_id": "1234567891",
"status": "active",
"subscription_number": 123,
"uuid": "0bb17c90-a80e-11e7-8fc8-b61928e29a9f",
"wallet": "",
"testmode": false,
"history": [
"action": "authorize",
"author": "",
"date_time": "2017-10-04 09:38:46",
"ip": "",
"result_code": "000",
"result_text": "Approved",
"successful": true
"transactions": [
"3dsecure": false,
"acquirer": "nets",
"amount": 12300,
"card_type": "visa",
"charged": 0,
"created": "2017-10-04 09:38:46",
"currency_code": 208,
"order_id": "1234567890",
"refunded": 0,
"status": "active",
"transaction_number": 1234,
"uuid": "0bb17c90-a80e-11e7-8fc8-b61928e29a9f",
"wallet": "",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"uri": "/v1/transction/0bb17c90-a80e-11e7-8fc8-b61928e29a9f"
"links": {
"self": "/v1/subscription/0bb17c90-a80e-11e7-8fc8-b61928e29a9f"
Common HTTP codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | OK | Standard successful response |
404 | Not found | Subscription not found |
Model | Type | Description |
DetailedSubscription | item | DetailedSubscription, Detailed information about the subscription |
Create new transaction from subscription
Relative URL example
POST / v1 / subscription / { uuid | subscription number } / authorize
Used to create a new transaction based on an existing subscription by subscription uuid or number. Either is required. The created transaction is returned.
Request parameters
JSON request example
"data": {
"amount": 12000,
"order_id": "20171205143025"
Parameter | Method | Description | Value | Default | Required |
uuid | path | Uuid of subscription | [a-f\d]{8}(-[a-f\d]{4}){3}-[a-f\d]{12} |
true * | |
subscription number | path | Subscription's number | [0-9]+ |
true * | |
amount | body | Amount to authorize transaction with in minor units | [0-9]{11} |
true | |
order_id | body | [a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]{1,36} |
true |
* Either of these is required. But only one of them, not both.
JSON response example
"data": {
"3dsecure": false,
"acquirer": "nets",
"amount": 12300,
"card_bin": "457199",
"card_type": "visa",
"charged": 0,
"created": "2017-10-04 09:38:46",
"currency_code": 208,
"expiry_month": 4,
"expiry_year": 2020,
"ip": "",
"order_id": "1234567890",
"refunded": 0,
"status": "cancelled",
"subscription_number": 123,
"subscription_uuid": "0bb17c90-a80e-11e7-8fc8-b61928e29a9f",
"transaction_number": 1234,
"uuid": "0bb17c90-a80e-11e7-8fc8-b61928e29a9f",
"wallet": "",
"has_cardholder_data": false,
"cardholder_data": {
"testmode": false,
"history": [
"links": {
Common HTTP codes
Code | Type | Description |
201 | Created | Resource was created response |
404 | Not found | Subscription not found |
409 | Conflict | Request in conflict with subscription state |
422 | Unprocessable entity | Request correctly formatted, but server was unable to process request |
Model | Type | Description |
DetailedTransaction | item | DetailedTransaction, Detailed information about the created transaction |
Cancel subscription
Relative URL example
POST / v1 / subscription / { uuid | subscription number } / cancel
Cancels a subscription, by subscription uuid or number. Either is required. Afterwards it will not be possible to create any new transactions from it.
Request parameters
JSON request example
{ }
Parameter | Method | Description | Value | Default | Required |
uuid | path | Uuid of subscription | [a-f\d]{8}(-[a-f\d]{4}){3}-[a-f\d]{12} |
true * | |
subscription number | path | Subscription's number | [0-9]+ |
true * |
* Either of these is required. But only one of them, not both.
JSON response example
"data": {
"3dsecure": false,
"acquirer": "nets",
"card_bin": "457199",
"card_type": "visa",
"created": "2017-10-04 09:38:46",
"currency_code": 208,
"expiry_month": 4,
"expiry_year": 2020,
"ip": "",
"order_id": "1234567891",
"status": "cancelled",
"subscription_number": 123,
"uuid": "0bb17c90-a80e-11e7-8fc8-b61928e29a9f",
"wallet": "",
"testmode": false,
"history": [
"transactions": [
"links": {
Common HTTP codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | OK | Standard successful response |
404 | Not found | Subscription not found |
Model | Type | Description |
DetailedSubscription | item | DetailedSubscription, Detailed information about the subscription |
Get gateway information
Relative URL example
GET / v1 / gateway / information
Returns a list of information about the gateway. As by now the gateway ID is the only list entry.
Request parameters
JSON request example
{ }
JSON response example
"data": {
"gateway_id": "12345678910111213141516",
"active_methods": [
Common HTTP codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | OK | Standard successful response |
Model | Type | Description |
GatewayInformation | item | GatewayInformation, a list of information about the gateway. |
Get payment window v3 integration settings
Relative URL example
GET / v1 / gateway / window / v3 / integration
Returns a list of payment window integration settings.
Request parameters
JSON request example
{ }
JSON response example
"data": {
"secret": "db78b4dac653b65a7bb09fa7d6512367c8056214c29558f6bd1e2327a3a2854c0c57683ec7f784ec596757adee0d901d53d88145ef7251c496444e8fececb0c7"
Common HTTP codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | OK | Standard successful response |
Model | Type | Description |
GatewayWindowIntegration | item | GatewayWindowIntegration, a list of settings used for integrating the payment window. |
Get payment window v3 designs
Relative URL example
GET / v1 / gateway / window / v3 / design /
Returns a list of SimpleGatewayWindowDesign. The name of the design, is directly used by the payment window as a reference for the design that should be used.
Request parameters
JSON request example
{ }
JSON response example
"data": [
"name": "Danish window"
"name": "International window"
Common HTTP codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | OK | Standard successful response |
Model | Type | Description |
SimpleGatewayWindowDesign | array | Array of SimpleGatewayWindowDesign. |
Get list of acquirers
Relative URL example
GET / v1 / acquirer
Returns a list of SimpleAcquirer. All acquirers with current status.
Request parameters
JSON request example
{ }
JSON response example
"data": {
"name": "bambora",
"active": true,
"links": {
"self": "/v1/acquirer/bambora"
"name": "clearhaus",
"active": true,
"links": {
"self": "/v1/acquirer/clearhaus"
"name": "nets",
"active": true,
"links": {
"self": "/v1/acquirer/nets"
"name": "swedbank",
"active": true,
"links": {
"self": "/v1/acquirer/swedbank"
Common HTTP codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | OK | Standard successful response |
Model | Type | Description |
SimpleAcquirer | item | List of SimpleAcquirer, simple information about acquirer. |
Get a specific acquirer
Relative URL example
GET / v1 / acquirer / { acquirer name }
Returns a specific acquirer as a DetailedAcquirer.
Request parameters
JSON request example
{ }
JSON response example
"data": {
"name": "clearhaus",
"active": true,
"api_key": "3764eca2-a225-44b6-b5cc-c069efaf38ac",
"exemption": {
"sca_low_value": true,
"mastercard_bin": "123456",
"mcc": "1234",
"merchant_id": "000000001234567",
"sca_mode": "all",
"visa_bin": "123456",
"links": {
Common HTTP codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | OK | Standard successful response |
Model | Type | Description |
DetailedAcquirer | item | DetailedAcquirer, a list of current settings for acquirer. |
Update settings of an acquirer
Relative URL example
PATCH / v1 / acquirer / { acquirer name }
Patches one or more settings of a specific acquirer, and returns said acquirer as DetailedAcquirer.
Request parameters
JSON request example
"data": {
"active": true,
"tof": "12345678",
It is possible to patch single or multiple fields, no fields are required. However not all fields are available for patching, this depends on the acquirer. These fields are as follows:
Parameter | Method | Description | Value | Available |
active | body | Whether acquirer is active | boolean |
customer_number | body | Customer number, provided by Bambora | string |
exemptions | body | Exemptions for acquirer | Exemptions | |
mcc | body | MCC (Merchant category code), provided by Bambora | string |
sca_mode | body | When SCA will be used. | string |
all eu off |
tof | body | TOF (Terminaloperator ID), provided by Bambora | string |
Parameter | Method | Description | Value | Available |
active | body | Whether acquirer is active | boolean |
api_key | body | API key used with Clearhaus | [a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,36} |
exemptions | body | Exemptions for acquirer | Exemptions | |
sca_mode | body | When SCA will be used. | string |
all eu off |
Clearhaus settings are a bit special, since the fields mastercard_bin
, mcc
, merchant_id
and visa_bin
are not patchable.
When api_key
has been successfully patched with a valid API key, the fields mentioned before will be populated automatically, with information directly from Clearhaus.
Parameter | Method | Description | Value | Available |
active | body | Whether acquirer is active | boolean |
amex_id | body | American Express ID provided by Nets | [0-9]{10} |
exemptions | body | Exemptions for acquirer | Exemptions | |
mcc | body | MCC (Merchant category code), provided by Nets | [0-9]{4} |
international_id | body | International Merchant ID, provided by Nets | [0-9]{7} |
mastercard_bin | body | Mastercard BIN, provided by Nets | [0-9]{6} |
sca_mode | body | When SCA will be used. | string |
all eu off |
tof | body | TOF (Terminaloperator ID), provided by Nets | [0-9]{6,8} |
visa_bin | body | Visa BIN, provided by Nets | [0-9]{6} |
Swedbank Pay
Parameter | Method | Description | Value | Available |
active | body | Whether acquirer is active | boolean |
mcc | body | MCC (Merchant category code), provided by Swedbank | string |
merchant_id | body | Merchant ID, provided by Swedbank | string |
JSON response example
"data": {
"name": "nets",
"active": true,
"amex_id": "1234567890",
"exemptions" : {
"sca_low_value": true,
"international_id": "1234567",
"mastercard_bin": "123456",
"mcc": "1234",
"sca_mode": "all",
"tof": "12345678",
"visa_bin": "123456",
"links": {
Common HTTP codes
Code | Type | Description |
202 | Accepted | Request was sucessfully processed |
400 | Bad request | Request was badly formatted |
Model | Type | Description |
DetailedAcquirer | item | DetailedAcquirer, a list of current settings for acquirer. |
Get list of wallets
Relative URL example
GET / v1 / wallet
Returns a list of SimpleWallet. All wallets with current status.
Request parameters
JSON request example
{ }
JSON response example
"data": {
"name": "applepay",
"active": true,
"name": "googlepay",
"active": true,
"name": "mobilepay",
"active": true,
"name": "vipps",
"active": true,
Common HTTP codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | OK | Standard successful response |
Model | Type | Description |
SimpleWallet | item | List of SimpleWallet, simple information about wallet. |
Parameter | Description | Value | Available |
3dsecure | Whether 3DSecure was enabled when transaction was captured | boolean |
amount | Transactions total amount in minor units | integer |
acquirer | Acquirer used for transaction, Acquirer | string |
card_type | Card used for transaction, CardType | string |
charged | Amount currently charged of total | integer |
created | Datetime when transaction was created in format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss | string |
currency_code | Integer value of standard ISO4217 | integer |
order_id | ID of order related to transaction | string |
refunded | Amount currently refunded of total | integer |
status | Current status of transaction, Status | string |
active cancelled created declined finished refunded pre_auth |
transaction_number | Transaction's number | string |
uuid | Uuid of transaction | string |
wallet | Wallet used for transaction, Wallet | string |
has_cardholder_data | Whether cardholder data is available on transaction | boolean |
testmode | Transaction was completed in testmode | boolean |
links | Link object | Links |
self |
Parameter | Description | Value | Available |
3dsecure | Whether 3DSecure was enabled when transaction was captured | boolean |
acquirer | Acquirer used for transaction, Acquirer | string |
amount | Transactions total amount in minor units | integer |
card_bin | Bin for used card, usually first 6 digits | string |
card_type | Card used for transaction, CardType | string |
card_country | Country of origin for used card, integer value of standard ISO3166-1 | integer |
charged | Amount currently charged of total | integer |
created | Datetime when transaction was created in format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss | string |
currency_code | Integer value of standard ISO4217 | integer |
expiry_month | Month number used card expires | integer |
expiry_year | Year used card expires | integer |
ip | IP address from which transaction was initialized | string |
ip_country | Country of origin for IP address, integer value of standard ISO3166-1 | integer |
order_id | ID of order related to transaction | string |
refunded | Amount currently refunded of total | integer |
status | Current status of transaction, Status | string |
active cancelled created declined finished refunded pre_auth |
subscription_number | Number of related subscription, if available | integer null |
subscription_uuid | Uuid of related subscription, if available | string null |
transaction_number | Transaction's number | integer |
uuid | Uuid of transaction | string |
wallet | Wallet used for transaction, Wallet | string |
has_cardholder_data | Whether cardholder data is available on transaction | boolean |
cardholder_data | TransactionCardholderData object. Null if not available or data has expired. Data expires 14 days after creation. | TransactionCardholderData null |
testmode | Transaction was completed in testmode | boolean |
history | Array of TransactionHistory | TransactionHistory [] |
links | Link object | Links |
self subscription |
Parameter | Description | Value |
first_name | Cardholders first name | string |
last_name | Cardholders last name | string |
attention | Attention name | string |
company | Company name | string |
address1 | Address field 1 | string |
address2 | Address field 2 | string |
postal_code | Postal code | string |
city | City name | string |
country | Country, integer value of standard ISO3166-1 | integer |
Cardholders email address | string |
phone | Cardholders phonenumber | string |
delivery_address | DeliveryAddress Object containing delivery address if available. | DeliveryAddress null |
extra | Extra fields depending on acquirer/wallet. See Extra | array |
If the cardholder has supplied a separate address for delivery, this address will be available in this field.
Parameter | Description | Value |
first_name | Delivery first name | string |
last_name | Delivery last name | string |
attention | Delivery attention name | string |
company | Delivery company name | string |
address1 | Delivery address field 1 | string |
address2 | Delivery address field 2 | string |
postal_code | Delivery postal code | string |
city | Delivery city name | string |
country | Delivery country, integer value of standard ISO3166-1 | integer |
Extra fields available depending on the acquirer/wallet used for the transaction. These are as follows:
MobilePayOnline (Wallet)
All extra fields related to MobilePayOnline are prefixed by mpo_
These fields are optional and might not be available in every context.
Parameter | Description | Value |
mpo_email_validity | Whether the email address provided is validated by MobilePay | boolean |
mpo_phone_validity | Whether the phone number provided is validated by MobilePay | boolean |
mpo_address_validity | Whether the address provided is validated as an actual address by DAWA | boolean |
mpo_address_customer_connected | Whether the address provided is the official address of the cardholder | boolean |
mpo_delivery_address_validity | Whether the delivery address provided is validated as an actual address by DAWA | boolean |
mpo_delivery_address_customer_connected | Whether the delivery address provided is the official address of the cardholder | boolean |
Parameter | Description | Value | Available |
action | Name of action | string |
acs amount-change authorize cancel capture create refund renew |
amount | Amount used on action in minor units | integer |
author | Registered user/system responsible for action | string |
date_time | Datetime when action was registered in format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss | string |
ip | IP address registered in relation to action | string |
result_code | Code indication result of action | string |
result_text | A textual representation of actions result | string |
successful | Whether action was successful or not | boolean |
uuid | Uuid of transactionHistory | string |
Parameter | Description | Value | Available |
uuid | UUID of this specific history item | string |
transaction | UUID of the transaction associated with this event | string |
action | Name of action | string |
acs amount-change authorize cancel capture create refund renew |
amount | Amount used on action in minor units | integer |
author | Registered user/system responsible for action | string |
date_time | Datetime when action was registered in format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss | string |
ip | IP address registered in relation to action | string |
result_code | Code indication result of action | string |
result_text | A textual representation of actions result | string |
successful | Whether action was successful or not | boolean |
Parameter | Description | Value | Available |
3dsecure | Whether 3DSecure was enabled when subscription was created | boolean |
acquirer | Acquirer used for subscription, Acquirer | string |
card_type | Card used for subscription, CardType | string |
created | Datetime when subscription was created in format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss | string |
currency_code | Integer value of standard ISO4217 | integer |
order_id | ID of order related to subscription | string |
status | Current status of subscription, Status | string |
active cancelled |
subscription_number | Subscription's number | string |
uuid | Uuid of subscription | string |
wallet | Wallet used for subscription, Wallet | string |
testmode | Subscription was completed in testmode | boolean |
links | Link object | Links |
self |
Parameter | Description | Value | Available |
3dsecure | Whether 3DSecure was enabled when subscription was created | boolean |
acquirer | Acquirer used for subscription, Acquirer | string |
card_bin | Bin for used card, usually first 6 digits | string |
card_type | Card used for subscription, CardType | string |
card_country | Country of origin for used card, integer value of standard ISO3166-1 | integer |
created | Datetime when subscription was created in format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss | string |
currency_code | Integer value of standard ISO4217 | integer |
expiry_month | Month number used card expires | integer |
expiry_year | Year used card expires | integer |
ip | IP address from which subscription was initialized | string |
ip_country | Country of origin for IP address, integer value of standard ISO3166-1 | integer |
order_id | ID of order related to subscription | string |
status | Current status of subscription, Status | string |
active cancelled |
subscription_number | Subscription's number | string |
uuid | Uuid of subscription | string |
wallet | Wallet used for subscription, Wallet | string |
testmode | Subscription was completed in testmode | boolean |
history | Array of SubscriptionHistory | SubscriptionHistory [] |
transactions | Array of SimpleTransaction | SimpleTransaction [] |
links | Link object | Links |
self |
Parameter | Description | Value | Available |
action | Name of action | string |
acs amount-change authorize cancel capture create refund renew |
author | Registered user/system responsible for action | string |
date_time | Datetime when action was registered in format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss | string |
ip | IP address registered in relation to action | string |
result_code | Code indication result of action | string |
result_text | A textual representation of actions result | string |
successful | Whether action was successful or not | boolean |
uuid | Uuid of subscriptionHistory | string |
Parameter | Description | Value |
gateway_id | ID of gateway being used in the API | string |
active_methods | List of currently active payment methods on gateway | string [] |
Parameter | Description | Value |
secret | The secret required to calculate sha sums from values in the payment window. | string |
Parameter | Description | Value |
name | Name of the design, used as identifier for the design. | string |
Parameter | Description | Value | Available |
name | Name of the acquirer | string |
active | Whether acquirer is active | boolean |
links | Link object | Links |
self |
Parameter | Description | Value | Available |
name | Name of the acquirer | string |
active | Whether acquirer is active | boolean |
links | Link object | Links |
self |
extra | Extra fields depending on acquirer. See below. | array |
DetailedAcquirer objects includes the fields described above in DetailedAcquirer, but they have their own specific fields depending on the acquirer, as described below.
Parameter | Description | Value | Available |
customer_number | Customer number, provided by Bambora | string |
mcc | MCC (Merchant category code), provided by Bambora | string |
sca_mode | When SCA will be used. | string |
all eu off |
tof | TOF (Terminaloperator ID), provided by Bambora | string |
exemptions | List of exemptions | Exemptions |
Parameter | Description | Value | Available |
api_key | API key used with Clearhaus | string |
mastercard_bin | Mastercard BIN, given by Clearhaus | string |
mcc | MCC (Merchant category code), given by Clearhaus | string |
merchant_id | Merchant ID, given by Clearhaus | string |
sca_mode | When SCA will be used. | string |
all eu off |
visa_bin | Visa BIN, given by Clearhaus | string |
exemptions | List of exemptions | Exemptions |
Parameter | Description | Value | Available |
amex_id | American Express ID provided by Nets | string |
mcc | MCC (Merchant category code), provided by Nets | string |
international_id | International Merchant ID, provided by Nets | string |
mastercard_bin | Mastercard BIN, provided by Nets | string |
sca_mode | When SCA will be used. | string |
all eu off |
tof | TOF (Terminaloperator ID), provided by Nets | string |
visa_bin | Visa BIN, provided by Nets | string |
exemptions | List of exemptions | Exemptions |
Swedbank Pay
Parameter | Description | Value | Available |
mcc | MCC (Merchant category code), provided by Swedbank | string |
merchant_id | Merchant ID, provided by Swedbank | string |
Parameter | Description | Value | Available |
sca_low_value | Whether SCA excemptions is made for low value payments (30 EUR or less) | boolean |
Parameter | Description | Value |
name | Name of the wallet | string |
active | Whether wallet is active | boolean |
Parameter | Description | Value |
payment_uuid | The unique identification for this payment request | string |
amount | Amount in the payment request | int |
currency_code | Selected currency for this payment | string |
expiration | Expiration for this payment in format Y-m-d H:is |
string |
language | Selected language for this payment | string |
method | Selected method for this payment | string |
links | Contains a 'payment_window' element with a link to the payment window | array |
Parameter | Value | Description | Example |
account | object |
See Account Info | |
billing | object |
See Billing Info | |
shipping | object |
See Shipping Info | |
phone | object |
See Phone Info | |
name | .{2,45} |
The name of the cardholder/customer | Emil Pedersen |
.{1,254} |
The email address of the customer | |
address_identical_shipping | Y , N |
Indicates whether the billing and shipping address are the same, only relevant if actually shipping anything. | Y |
delivery_email | .{1,254} |
Only used for electronic delivery. | |
delivery_time_frame | 01 , 02 , 03 , 04 |
Indicates the delivery timeframe. 01 = Electronic, 02 = Same-day shipping, 03 = Overnight shipping, 04 = Two-day or more shipping | 03 |
gift_card_amount | [0-9]+ |
The total amount of all gift cards within the order, only major units. (DKK 123.45 is 123) | 123 |
gift_card_count | [0-9]+ |
The total quantity of gift cards within the order. | 1 |
preorder | Y , N |
Indicates if this order is a pre-order. A pre-order is an order for an item that has not yet been released to the market. | N |
preorder_date | date | For a pre-ordered purchase, the expected date that merchandise will be available | 2020-04-01 |
reorder | Y , N |
Indicates if this order is a re-order of a previous one | N |
shipping_method | 01 , 02 , 03 , 04 , 05 , 06 , 07 |
The shipping method for the transaction, use the one that best describes the order. Physical goods takes precedence over digital, and then the most expensive if multiple shipping methods for same order. 01 = Ship to billing address, 02 = Ship to another verified address, 03 = Ship to other, 04 = "Ship to store" store address should be set in shipping address fields, 05 = Digital goods, 06 = Travel & event tickets, 07 = Other (digital services, electronic subscriptions, etc.) | 01 |
Parameter | Value | Description | Example |
id | \w{1,64} |
Account identifier, could be a customer number. | ABC-455454 |
date_created | date | When the account was created at the merchant. | 2020-02-15 |
date_change | date | When the account was last changed, this includes billing and shipping address. | 2020-03-02 |
date_password_change | date | When the account last had its password changed. | 2020-03-02 |
purchases | [0-9]+ |
The number of completed purchases with this account in the last 6 months (excluding the current one). | 3 |
attempts | [0-9]+ |
The number of payment attempts on this account in the past 24 hours. | 0 |
shipping_first_use_date | date | The date of when the shipping address was first used on this account. | 2020-02-15 |
shipping_identical_name | Y , N |
Indicates whether the account holder name matches the shipping details. | Y |
suspicious | Y , N |
Indicates whether the merchant has experienced suspicious actitivy on the account previously (including fraud) | N |
attempts_day | [0-9]+ |
Number of transactions attempted (successful or not) for this account, in the past 24 hours. | 3 |
attempts_year | [0-9]+ |
Number of transactions attempted (successful or not) for this account, in the past 365 days. | 3 |
Parameter | Value | Description | Example |
billing_address_city | .{1,50} |
Billing address city | Skanderborg |
billing_address_country | [0-9]{3} |
Billing address country code, in the numeric format from ISO-3166-1 | 208 |
billing_address_line1 | .{1,50} |
First line of the address | Højvangen 4 |
billing_address_line2 | .{1,50} |
Second line of the address, if needed. | Address Line 2 |
billing_address_line3 | .{1,50} |
Third line of the address, if needed. | Address Line 3 |
billing_address_postal_code | [\w\s-]{1,16} |
The postal code of the address. | 8660 |
billing_address_state | \w{1,3} |
The subdivision code of the address, according to ISO-3166-2 (Only the part after the country code, so US-NY becomes NY . Should only be used when relevant for the country. |
NY |
Parameter | Value | Description | Example |
address_city | .{1,50} |
Shipping address city | Skanderborg |
address_country | [0-9]{3} |
Shipping address country code, in the numeric format from ISO-3166-1 | 208 |
address_line1 | .{1,50} |
First line of the address | Højvangen 4 |
address_line2 | .{1,50} |
Second line of the address, if needed. | Address Line 2 |
address_line3 | .{1,50} |
Third line of the address, if needed. | Address Line 3 |
address_postal_code | [\w\s-]{1,16} |
The postal code of the address. | 8660 |
address_state | .{1,3} |
The subdivision code of the address, according to ISO-3166-2 (Only the part after the country code, so US-NY becomes NY . Should only be used when relevant for the country. |
NY |
Parameter | Value | Description | Example |
home_cc | [0-9]{1,3} |
The country code part of the phone number | 45 |
home_number | [0-9]{1,15} |
The actual phone number, without the country part. | 37123456 |
mobile_cc | [0-9]{1,3} |
The country code part of the phone number | 45 |
mobile_number | [0-9]{1,15} |
The actual phone number, without the country part. | 37123456 |
work_cc | [0-9]{1,3} |
The country code part of the phone number | 45 |
work_number | [0-9]{1,15} |
The actual phone number, without the country part. | 37123456 |
Cart information can be provided, and on some methods it is mandated.
Recommendation is to always send the data when available, to ensure future demands from payment methods can be easily met.
Parameter | Value | Description | Example |
shipping | object |
See ShippingObject | |
handling | object |
See HandlingObject | |
discount | [0-9]+ |
The discount for the order, in minor units. Will be subtracted from the total before matching with amount of payment-request |
0 or 5000 |
items | list of object |
A list of the different items in the cart. If more than 20 items, merge the 20th item together with the excess items, so there is never send more than 20 items. See ItemObject |
Parameter | Value | Description | Example |
price | [0-9]+ |
The shipping price in minor units, including any taxes but before discount. | 500 |
tax | [0-9]+ |
The tax on the shipping. | 500 |
discount | [0-9]+ |
Any discount that should be subtracted from the shipping_price. | 500 |
Parameter | Value | Description | Example |
onpay_cart_handling_price | [0-9]+ |
Handling price, includes all handling related fees | 500 |
onpay_cart_handling_tax | [0-9]+ |
The tax on the handling. | 500 |
Parameter | Value | Description | Example |
name* | .{1,127} |
Item name | Item 1 |
price* | [0-9]+ |
The per item price, including taxes. | 100 |
tax* | [0-9]+ |
The per item tax. | 20 |
quantity* | [0-9]+ |
The amount of items | 1 |
description | .{1,127} |
Item description | Longer description |
sku | .{1,127} |
SKU of the item | AB47871 |
Pagination is contained within the meta
namespace which is always at the same level as the data
Parameter | Description | Value |
total | Total number of items | integer |
count | Items shown on current page | integer |
per_page | Items shown per page | integer |
current_page | Current page | integer |
total_pages | Total number of pages | integer |
links | Links related to pagination | string [] |
Parameter | Description | Value |
next_url | Relative url to next page | string null |
previous_url | Relative url to previous page | string null |
Card type string values and what card they correspond to.
Parameter | Description |
dankort | Dankort card |
visa | Visa card |
amex | American Express card |
maestro | Maestro card |
mastercard | Mastercard |
diners | Diners Club card |
jcb | JCB |
unionpay | UnionPay |
discover | Discover card |
fbf | Forbrugsforeningen card |
Acquirer string values and what acquirer/provider they correspond to.
Parameter | Description |
bambora | Card acquirer Bambora |
clearhaus | Card acquirer Clearhaus |
nets | Card acquirer Nets |
swedbank | Card acquirer Swedbank |
anyday | Provider Anyday (Never for subscriptions) |
klarna | Provider Klarna (Never for subscriptions) |
paypal | Provider PayPal (Never for subscriptions) |
swish | Provider Swish (Never for subscriptions) |
viabill | Provider ViaBill (Never for subscriptions) |
Wallet string values and what wallet provider they correspond to.
Parameter | Description |
applepay | Apple Pay - Mobile payment solution on Apple devices |
googlepay | Google Pay - Mobile payment solution on Google/Android devices |
mobilepay | MobilePay - Mobile payment across mobile devices |
vipps | Vipps - Mobile payment across mobile devices |
Transactions and subscriptions statuses is explained.
Status | Description | Actions available |
active | Transaction is authorized by acquirer/wallet. | capture cancel refund |
cancelled | Transaction has been cancelled. | |
created | Transaction has been created, awaiting further action from cardholder prior to authorization. | |
declined | Transaction was declined by acquirer/wallet. | |
finished | Transaction has been fully captured or fully refunded. | refund |
pre_auth | Transaction has yet to be authorized by acquirer/wallet. |
Status | Description | Actions available |
active | Subscription is active | authorize cancel |
cancelled | Subscription has been cancelled | |
created | Transaction has been created, awaiting further action from cardholder prior to authorization. |
The Links object can contain a multitude of elements depending on the object in which it is contained. Links items are named by their relation to the element contained in. If a link is not available for a certain element, it will not be available in the Links object at all.
As an example the following are links to the element itself, and to a related subscription:
Parameter | Link | Value |
self | "/v1/transaction/0bb17c90-a80e-11e7-8fc8-b61928e29a9f" | string |
subscription | "/v1/subscription/03e8162a-a7ac-11e7-9d00-b61928e29a9f" | string |
For further information about which links that are available for which elements, please see documentation for the element in question.
Errors returned from API are per default handled through HTTP response codes. Understanding of HTTP status codes and their meaning is implied by client. To an extend, an error model response accompanies unusual errors, with a more detailed description of error. If a code returned from acquirer is available, this will also be included.
Parameter | Description | Value |
message | Human readable error description | string |
acquirerCode | Code (if available) returned from acquirer | string |