Introduction to OAuth2 and tokens in OnPay

Short introduction to first-time authorization against OnPay with OAuth2. Once this process is completed, you will be in possession of access and refresh tokens, which will be used in a custom API implementation in the future.

Token expiry

Access token = 24 hours. Refresh token = 3 months. Notice: Token expiration is extended as soon as a request is made to OnPay. Notice: Tokens cannot be recreated but require you to repeat the process below to request a new set of tokens.


To access OnPay via API, you must first request an access and refresh token. This can be done via a number of clients already available on the web (e.g. Postman or Curl etc.).

Postman example

Postman is a client that can make a number of requests, including OAuth2, which is handy as the software supports all steps in the procedure. Download and install the client via


  • You send a request to the OnPay URL provided.
  • Postman then gets a response back and opens the OnPay login page associated with this session.
  • In the dialog, you log in with your OnPay user, after which OnPay asks if you want to approve the request you just sent (standard OAuth2 procedure).
  • You will then receive your access and refresh token.

Use OnPay API with Postman

  1. Start Postman and click Auth.
  2. Select the type OAuth 2.0
  3. Click Get New Access Token

Postman OAuth2 setup

  1. In the dialogue, insert the following values: Auth URL, Access Token URL, Client ID and Scope. The rest can be left blank in Postman for this dialogue.

Values from OnPay for insertion in Postman You make a request using the following values, which are also available in the OnPay documentation:

Value Description
Authorize_url{gateway_id}/oauth2/authorize (Remember to change the Gateway ID and remove the curly brackets: { } )
Client ID The name of your app. This can be seen in OnPay later, with the expiration date for your tokens under API > Active API tokens.
Scope full (This is the only scope value supported by OnPay for the moment)

Link to the OnPay documentation, where the above values can be found:

Postman OAuth2 ny access token

  1. The request is then submitted and you are presented with the OnPay login page where username (email) and password is entered:

Postman OAuth2 log ind

  1. You will then be presented with a dialog to complete the authorization. Click Approve access:

Postman OAuth2 godkend adgang

  1. Once this is done, Postman receives access and refresh tokens, which you copy and save for use in your application:

Postman manage OAuth2 tokens

What do tokens look like?

Acess Token

eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImp0aSI4IjcyMWY5ZjNjZWJlODExMWZlYmM1ZDQ4MTFhY2RlNjExNGIxNDk1NzQwMTFhYzVlYWUyNGRiNDcw YzIxNzQxZWE0MTI0ZjFhMzE4YjA2ZmFiIn0.eyJhdWQiOiJURVNUIiwianRpIjoiNzIxZjlmM2NlYmU4MTExZmViYzVkNDgxMWFjZGU2MTE0YjE0OTU3NDAxM WFjNWVhZTI0ZGI0NzBjMjE3NDFlYTQxMjRmMWEzMThiMDZmYWIiLCJpYXQiOjE1NTA4MzMxOTAsIm5iZiI6MTU1MDgzMzE5MCwiZXhwIjoxNTUwOTE5NT kwLCJzdWIiOiIzMDE4MDgzNTAxNjE1NTc0Iiwic2NvcGVzIjpbImZ1bGwiXX0.lderOX78mHVxFuAChzhKqcGTBY_SHipNzRZV882Fj3OdK-3gJ2ajn7e-dENJSxVl rmiIqBKGUQD6_42Sa7K36Z2oVm9t8F2FDlfzajc0jrXcCsQsgbxVrSRuhX7YZVfdqS4Wtq4y2VFNK_TD17yzCcpmf_MH-s5v9SNY29Vi6hm0Xc-FjutNYK8mTW3 A9vIrWEjJguhRtjYFceRg7khXrq89sP4MG_4SROwq-Jp6hY5eAUPtzasw7IoWRQXqaH6u5Zks9g2xmP1k7CyVO-sA5K_eXNfvqGBXKE8t9dOxYNl5n7F8juzQxq EPkmcohcVxcoJF7mgbrMiSRlxJe8nMxA

Refresh token

eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImp0aSI4IjcyMWY5ZjNjZWJlODExMWZlYmM1ZDQ4MTFhY2RlNjExNGIxNDk1NzQwMTFhYzVlYWUyNGRiNDcw YzIxNzQxZWE0MTI0ZjFhMzE4YjA2ZmFiIn0.eyJhdWQiOiJURVNUIiwianRpIjoiNzIxZjlmM2NlYmU4MTExZmViYzVkNDgxMWFjZGU2MTE0YjE0OTU3NDAxM WFjNWVhZTI0ZGI0NzBjMjE3NDFlYTQxMjRmMWEzMThiMDZmYWIiLCJpYXQiOjE1NTA4MzMxOTAsIm5iZiI6MTU1MDgzMzE5MCwiZXhwIjoxNTUwOTE5NT kwLCJzdWIiOiIzMDE4MDgzNTAxNjE1NTc0Iiwic2NvcGVzIjpbImZ1bGwiXX0.lderOX78mHVxFuAChzhKqcGTBY_SHipNzRZV882Fj3OdK-3gJ2ajn7e-dENJSxVl rmiIqBKGUQD6_42Sa7K36Z2oVm9t8F2FDlfzajc0jrXcCsQsgbxVrSRuhX7YZVfdqS4Wtq4y2VFNK_TD17yzCcpmf_MH-s5v9SNY29Vi6hm0Xc-FjutNYK8mTW3 A9vIrWEjJguhRtjYFceRg7khXrq89sP4MG_4SROwq-Jp6hY5eAUPtzasw7IoWRQXqaH6u5Zks9g2xmP1k7CyVO-sA5K_eXNfvqGBXKE8t9dOxYNl5n7F8juzQxq EPkmcohcVxcoJF7mgbrMiSRlxJe8nMxA

It doesn't matter if you develop your API integration in PHP, .Net or a different language all together. Once you have your tokens, they can be used to make requests to the OnPay API.

Software development kits


OAuth2 Client (PHP client) which can be used for OAuth2 integration in PHP applications


.NET Example

OnPay API documentation

The OAuth2 Concept