OnPay can be used as a standalone payment solution, where you can create payment links that can be sent to your customers and processed in OnPay without having to connect a webshop etc. OnPay can also be used as an alternative to a payment terminal in a sales situation where the customer has to pay for an item on the spot. Here, the order number of the payment transaction can be used as a reference on a receipt. The customer can then complete the payment with their phone (MobilePay, card payment, etc.) and the amount can be withdrawn in OnPay so the transaction is completed immediately.

The principle is simple:

  1. Create a payment.
  2. Send the generated payment link to the customer.
  3. Process your order and withdraw the money in OnPay.

When the customer clicks on the payment link, they are taken to the payment window (which you can customize and have multiple versions of) where they can enter their payment details and complete the payment with the payment methods you make available via acquirers, providers and wallets.

Here's how to do it

Go to Dashboard in the left menu, which takes you to the OnPay main page. Click on Create a new payment: OnPay - Create payment

Fill in the fields on the page: OnPay - Create payment

  1. Amount: Enter the transaction amount.
  2. Currency: Select which currency to create the transaction with.
  3. Order ID: Enter an order ID, which is your own reference for accounting/receipts (required). Transactions are automatically assigned a transaction number that is independent of the order ID.
  4. Expiration: How long should the payment link be valid for? (1 week selected by default).
  5. Method: Which payment methods should the customer be able to choose in the payment window? (depends on your setup under Settings > Acquirers, Providers, Wallets).
  6. Design: Select a custom payment window (payment windows can be created and customized under Settings > Payment windows).
  7. Language: Select which language the payment window will use. Texts, buttons, etc. will appear in the selected language.
  8. Testmode: Here you can choose to create the payment link in test mode. This is handy when you want to test the functionality with OnPay test cards, which you can find here: https://onpay.io/docs/technical/index.html#test-data

Once the payment is created, you can copy the link and send it to the customer in an email etc: OnPay - Create payment The link opens the OnPay payment window where the customer can select the payment method (based on the payment link setup) and complete the payment. A dedicated status page is then displayed with clear information about the payment progress.

From the payment creation page, you can access the overview of payment links that have already been created. Here you can get an overview of the status of the transactions and process your order based on this: OnPay - Create payment OnPay - Create payment

As soon as a transaction is touched by the customer, the transaction log will be available for the individual payment by clicking on the transaction's UUID: OnPay - Create payment

Payments remain open until completed or they expire. Completed transactions can be refunded from the transaction page by clicking Refund transaction: OnPay - Create payment

Transactions that have been processed can also be found under Transactions and Logs in the left menu.