Get Started with OnPay

Login and Resetting Password

The OnPay control panel is used to set up acquiring agreements, payment provider and wallets as well as managing transactions and saved cards etc.

To access the OnPay control panel, log in via the link below using the email address and password assigned when you created your OnPay subscription..

Log in using:

Log in

Notice: If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it through the "Forgot password" link on the login page. Enter the email address associated with your OnPay subscription to receive an email with a link to reset your password.

On a successful login, you are taken to the OnPay dashboard where you can see your pending transactions, your monthly revenue and create custom payment links.


Notice: Please mention your Gateweay ID when contacting customer service. This ID is unique to your OnPay Gateway and is located at the bottom of the menu to the left.

Steps to set up an OnPay Gateway