General settings

Under the menu item General setting you will find the current information for your OnPay subscription. Among the general settings you will find:

  1. Contact information
  2. Email notifications for new payments
  3. Modes
  4. Status for auto capture
  5. Change next transaction number



Some contact info is displayed in your payment window next to your logo. These are:

  • Name (Company name)
  • Address
  • Postal code
  • City

Email notifications

Here you can enter an email address to which you want to receive notifications when a new payment is registered in OnPay. This option can be used in cases where OnPay is used on its own (as stand-alone gateway), or if it is not possible to receive notifications from a connected webshop or other integration.


Your OnPay gateway must be in Production mode in order to receive payments through your payment window. If OnPay is in Test mode you can use our test data to test your connection to the payment window.

All card types are available in the payment window during test mode. Test mode can be used to test how your integration to OnPay reacts to the responses received for successful or failed payments. Test mode can not be used to test the connection to an acquirer, wallet or payment provider.

In the modes section you can also select your Transaction reference. This reference is used by OnPay when communicating with your acquirer. If you primarily work in OnPay, it can make sense to use Transaction number, but if you primarily work in an e-commerce system, you may benefit from using Order id, which instead will use the order reference that is assigned to the transactions. It will still be up to the individual acquirer to determine how they use the reference supplied by OnPay.

Auto capture

Here you can enable automatic transaction completion after a given number of days. OnPay perform automatic captures at intervals throughout the day. If you enter 0 (Zero) in Days delayed a received transaction will be captured at the next capturing event.

Notice: Be aware of legislation regarding capturing payments for the goods and services you sell. In some cases it is allowed to capture the payment automatically, while others cases prohibit you from capturing the payment until the order has been shipped to the customer. We recommend consulting a lawyer if you have any doubts regarding the rules that apply to your business process.

Change transaction number

Here you can change the next transaction number used when receiving payments. Be aware that this number can only be raised, and never lowered once it is raised, due to consecutive numbering sequencing.

This option can be useful if you are moving to OnPay from another payment system and you want your transaction numbers to continue where the other system left off e.g. 1000 numbers higher, so you can quickly see which transactions are created in which payment system.