
With PayPal you can offer your customers a popular and easy-to-use payment option where payment details are processed automatically with each purchase.

Setup in OnPay

Once your agreement with PayPal has been finalized, you can complete the configuration in OnPay.

Go to Settings > Providers > PayPal and follow these steps:

Connect your PayPal account

Click Connect to PayPal:

Connect to PayPal

This will take you to the PayPal login page where you can authorize the connection to OnPay.

Your PayPal details will appear in OnPay afterwards. This is your confirmation that OnPay has a valid connection to PayPal:

Connect to PayPal: Completed

Notice: If your PayPal account is in use on another OnPay account already, you will receive an error when logging in to PayPal. Contact PayPal customer service to resolve this issue.

Activate PayPal

When connected to PayPal you can:

  1. Activate PayPal
  2. Specify your desired transaction flow*
  3. Save your setup

Activate PayPal

* We recommend Automatic withdrawal, but you can also choose Delayed withdrawal. In the case of delayed withdrawal, the funds will not be withdrawn automatically and you will have to withdraw the amount of the transaction manually as with regular card payments. Due to PayPal's configuration, there is a significant risk that the amount will not be available for withdrawal at a later date. Also note that the transaction will be closed by PayPal after 29 days.

You can click Disconnect from PayPal at any time to disconnect your PayPal account.

You can also click Resync connection to update your connection to PayPal. This function is used in cases where a manual verification of your e-mail address or further authentication of your PayPal account is required.