
With MobilePay Online, your customers can use their MobilePay app to make online payments. MobilePay uses stored credit card and address information to complete secure purchases* on the go. MobilePay is one of the preferred mobile payment methods in Denmark.

* In some cases, the card issuer (typically the customer's bank) may insist on additional validation. In these rare cases the customer will still be required to validate the purchase through 3D Secure.

MobilePay Online does not require a separate agreement with MobilePay, but is an optional module for your OnPay solution that can be ordered through your OnPay provider.

Setup in OnPay

As soon as MobilePay Online is activated in your OnPay solution, you will be able to configure the module in your OnPay control panel:

  1. Add your logo - note MobilePay's recommendations shown in the right side
  2. Choose if the MobilePay app should open automatically for mobile payments*

Setup MobilePay

* If this function is disabled, the customer will also be met by a payment window on mobile devices where they must enter their phone number before the app is opened. This can in some cases be useful e.g. if you primarily have customers who shop on one phone, but complete the MobilePay payment on a different phone. In general, we recommend that this function is enabled.